28 dicembre 2011

Inspiring me!... on SOG

Hi my dear Oddies!
Just a little, sweet note for let you know about our last challenge on Some Odd Girl (ehehe really strange, uhm?!); firstly, we want say a big THANK YOU because
everytime we're so glad to see the big number of entries you submitted to Mr. Froggy, visit your blogs, see what you make is really a special thing, so... thank you!
Ok, now coming to the new challenge, I have to tell you theme of this time: we have a little photo inspiration challenge for you! Something that gets you thru the holidays and thinking about the season of luuuuuuuuuuurve! Be inspired by THIS pic…
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Ciao miei cari Oddies!
Solo un piccolo, dolce appunto per informarvi riguardo al nostro ultimo challenge su
Some Odd Girl (ehehe... davvero strano eh!?); per prima cosa, vogliamo dirvi un grande GRAZIE visto che ogni volta siamo davvero lieti di vedere l'enorme numero di entrate che presentate a Mr. Froggy, visitare i vostri blog, vedere cosa avete creato è davvero una cosa speciale, quindi... grazie!
Ok, adesso veniamo al nuovo challenge, devo dirvi il tema per questa volta: abbiamo un piccolo photo inspiration challenge per voi! Qualcosa che vi accompagni durante le vacanze e vi faccia pensare alla stagione dell'ammmmmmmmooore!
Lasciatevi ispirare da questa immagine...

Interesting huh? Lots of things you can look at! Woodgrain, hearts, red, book pages, tickets, colors etc etc etc... Want to see how the Odd Girls were inspired? Check them cards going on this page.
I made a card too, and even if I didn't be publicated, I would to show anyway... you know every comment, bad or good, is music for me! :) You know I don't like make waves about my works too, but I have to say this time that... it's great! Tick tack toe idea mixed with "xoxo" word is really a stroke of genius!!
This little work is made for someone speciale... I'm sure he knows who I'm talking about him ♥ isn't this card perfect for celebrate St. Valentine?!?
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Interessante, eh?! Potete concentrarvi su tante cose: legno, cuori, rosso, pagine del libro, tickets, colori etc etc etc... volete vedere come le ragazze Odd si sono ispirate?? Date un'occhiata alle loro card andando su questa pagina.
Anche io ho fatto una card, e anche se non sono stata pubblicata, vorrei mostrarvela comunque... sapete che ogni commento, bello o brutto che sia, è musica per me! :) Sapete anche che non mi piace vantarmi dei miei lavori, ma stavolta devo proprio dirlo... è grandiosa! Il tris mixato alla parola "xoxo" (notoriamente il "baci" inglese come metodo di saluto) è davvero un colpo di genio!!
Questo piccolo lavoro è stato creato per qualcuno di speciale... Sono sicura che lui sappia a chi mi rivolgo ♥ Questa card non è perfetta per celebrare San Valentino?!?

stamp: Some Odd Girl digi stamp Love Letter Kaylee
details: flowers, pearls and gems, twine, black stitching, punched hearts, my new letters from American Craft "Glax" - glitter letters stickers, pins, button, copics for colouring
papers and cardstock: black cardstock for the base, red cardstock for underline,
Making Memories pink pois paper "Je t'adore"

with this tag I enter the following challenges:
Cooking It Up #86 - Anything goes
My Mums Craft Shop #37 - Anything goes
The Pixie Cottage #101 - Someone Special
Scrapbook Sisters #66- Anything goes
Simon Says Stamps - Anything goes
Stampavie And More #159 - Hearts
Everybody Art Challenge #173 - Anything goes
Ladybug Crafts Ink #50 - BINGO (button, punches, pearls-ribbon, flowers, punches)
Party Time Tuesday's #48 - Anything goes
Craft Room Challenge - Anything goes
Bearly Mine Challenges #26 - Anything goes
Make It Monday #69 - Anything goes
Pollycraft Monday Challenge #121 - Punch it!
Victorine Stamps #24 - Punch
Crafty Boots - Celebration
Creative Inspirations - Anything goes
Scrappy Frogs - Stitching

Tomorrow I will set off on holiday, Naples is waiting for me for celebrate this magic New Year, I will re-start to craft something when I'll be at home, until that moment copics and images will come with me ready to be coloured :D

Sending you my best, warm wishes for the New Year, I say you bye bye... let's see next year! ahah :D
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Domani partirò per le vacanze, Napoli mi aspetta per celebrare questo magico Anno Nuovo, inizierò a ri-creare qualcosa al mio ritorno, fino a quel momento copic e immagini da colorare verranno con me :D
Vi invio i miei migliori, calorosi auguri per il Nuovo Anno, vi saluto... ci vediamo l'anno prossimo! ahah :D

25 dicembre 2011

Merry Christmas to youu ♥

Hiya guuuuys!
Here for wish you a Merry Merry Christmas, a joyful day, 24hours of happiness, love, friendship, deliscious goodies, warm hugs and kisses, and thank you for be another year with me joining this magic holiday!!
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Ciaooo ragazzi!
Sono qui per augurarvi un Buon Natale, un giorno gioioso, 24 ore di felicità, amore, amicizia, deliziose leccornie, caldi abbracci e baci, e un grazie per essere con un altro anno a festeggiare questa magica festa!!

I would show you my last work made for Deep Ocean Challenge Blog; in these cold months, after snow and frost, what can be better than a warm, sweet wish?!?! So we want celebrate Christmas this year wishing you the best things in new year in the warmest way!! Here in Italy snow is coming, we are about 1-2° C and the sky is usually white, but when you see trought the windows, in homes decorated for Christams, you can feel every single warm lovely feeling of this season... is true, for Christmas everyone is more kind!
I'm really proud about this tag... in this last period, I don't know why, I find a particular, special delight make tags; usually for Christmas I make a ton of cards, one after the other, every day cards, but this year, uhmmm, I don't know, I'm feeling in tag-mode, ahahah :D
For this time, I made once on blue-green tones, "warmed" by a touch of pink here and there, glittering the outline and the skirt, with some gems that give a "frosty" touch and a softy pon-pon ribbon... hope my sweet boyfriend will love it, it's for him!
Challenge "warm wishes" started on tuesday and it will run until Jan. 2nd... don't forget to be one of us! we are always so glad to see what you amazingly created!
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Vorrei mostrarvi il mio ultimo lavoro fatto per il Deep Ocean Challenge Blog; in questi mesi freddi, dopo la neve e il gelo, cosa può esserci di meglio di un caloroso, dolce augurio?!? Così noi vogliamo celebrare il Natale quest'anno augurandovi le migliori cose per il nuovo anno nel più caldo dei modi! Qui in Italia sta arrivando la neve, viaggiamo all'incirca sui 1-2° C e il cielo di solito è bianco, ma quando guardi dalle fineste, nelle case decorate per Natale, puoi sentire ogni singolo caloroso, amorevole sentimento di questa stagione... è proprio vero, che a Natale son tutti più buoni!
Sono davvero orgogliosa di questa tag... in questo ultimo periodo, non so perchè, provo un particolare, speciale piacere nel fare tags; di solito per Natale faccio tonnellate e tonnellate di cards, una dopo l'altra, ogni giorno card, ma quest'anno, uhmmm, non so perchè, mi sento in modalità-tag ahahah :D
Questa volta ne ho creata una sui toni del blu-verde, "riscaldata" da un tocco di rosa qui e là, glitterando il contorno e la gonna, con alcune gemme che danno un tocco "congelato" e un morbido nastro a pon-pon azzurri... spero che al mio ragazzo piacerà, è per lui!
Il challenge "warm wishes" è iniziato martedì e andrà avanti fino al 2 di Gennaio... non dimenticate di essere uno dei nostri! Siamo sempre estremamente felici di vedere cosa avete incredibilmente creato!

stamp: Some Odd Girl digi stamp Winter Mae and gift from Gifty Gwen set
details: pois satin light-blue ribbon, stitching, stickles "Crystal", gems and pearls, white doily, string, pins, flowers, light-blue pon-pon ribbon, copics for colouring
papers and cardstock: old papers from some set, the famous "remainder"

with this tag I enter the following challenges:
Dream Valley Challenges #22 - Christmas
GingerloftChallenge #30 - Winter or Christmas
Scrappy Frogs Challenge Blog - Stitching (outline)
The Squirrel and The Fox #7 - Christmas
Crafty Calendar Challenge - Cold and frosty
Drunken Stampers Challenge #80 - Glittery holiday

Sweet Stamping - Sparkle and bling
Totally Gorjuss #111 - For someone special
Stamptacular Sunday Challenge #144 - Winter photo inspiration challenge
One Stop Craft Challenge w#163 - Winter wishes
Saturday Challenge #166 - Anything goes
Simply Stamping Challenge - Christmas
Squiggles and Giggles - Let's Celebrate

Merry Christmas **

21 dicembre 2011

2nd Annual Customer Hol-ODD-Day Hop! on SOG

>>notizia flash!<<
Ancora 8 ore per partecipare al 2nd Annual Customer hop su SomeOddGirl: iniziato lunedì, dura fino alle ore 24:00 EST di stasera, per cui non è proprio troppo tardi (come sapete ormai, sono una ragazza che fa tutto di corsa e sempre all'ultimo momento :D).

"Da oggi a mercoledì, abbiamo un hop per chiunque voglia partecipare mostrando una Odd creazione natalizia! Sarà molto facile quest'anno, basta solo linkare su il VOSTRO progetto natalizio! L'unica cosa di cui avete bisogno per qualificarvi è un'immagine Some Odd Girl sulla vostra card e un tema natalizio, ed è fatta! Ci dovrebbero anche essere alcuni premietti random lungo la via."
Abbiamo anche un po' di divertimento extra: linkate e create un progetto che calzi con una delle categorie sotto e noi prenderemo il migliore da ogni categoria che vincerà un super fantastico pacchetto premio! Ecco le categorie:

Mens *Mens*- Create una card natalizia per un maschio
All White *White*- la vostra creazione deve essere tutta in bianco ESCLUSA l'immagine, che può essere colorata.
Give a Little Gift *Gift*- qualcosa come una card porta-regalo o una borsa regalo. Siate creativi!
Non Traditional *NT* - Colori non tradizionali o modello della card o soggetto. Ci sono molti modi per lavorare sulla cosa!

Per far entrare il vostro lavoro in una categoria quando lo linkate, basta solo aggiungere la categoria (l'abbreviazione che trovate accanto tra asterischi) dopo il vostro nome. Per esempio Kristy *Mens* o Leah *NT* e noi sapremo dove includervi, solo una entry per categoria, non backlinking a vecchie creazioni, devono essere state fatte per questo hop (ovviamente potete linkarle anche ad altri challenge).

Se siete lenti come me nel creare, potete pensare di adattare qualche vecchia creazione NON ANCORA PUBBLICATA a questo evento... ci sono in palio premi meeeeeravigliosi! Provare per credere qui.

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Good evening...
>>flash news!<<
Still 8 hours per add your entry to 2nd Annual Customer hop on SomeOddGirl: started on monday, to last until 00:00 EST, therefore isn't too much later (as you know, my life is a rat race :D).

"Today thru Wednesday, we are having a hop for anyone who wants to join in to show off a Odd holiday creation of their very own! Its going to be really simple this year, just link up YOUR holiday project! The only thing you need to be able to qualify is a Some Odd Girl image on your card and a holiday theme and you are good to go! There might be some random goodies given along the way"
We also have a little optional bit of fun: Link up and create a project that fits one of the catagories below and we’ll be picking the best from each catagory to win a super awesome prize pack! Here are the catagories:

Mens *Mens*- Create a holiday card for the men!
All White *White*- your creation must be all white NOT including you image. That may be colored.
Give a Little Gift *Gift*- some thing like a gift card holder or gift bag. Get creative!
Non Traditional *NT* - Non traditional colors or card design or subject. So many ways to run with it!

To enter a catagory when you link up just put the catagory after your name. For example Kristy *Mens* or Leah *NT* and we’ll know to include you, 1 entry per catagory only, no backlinking to old creations, they must be for this hop (though you can link it to other challenges).

If you're slow like me creating, you can think to convert another creation with a SOG image that fit a category, NOT STILL PUBLISHED to this event... you can win aaaaaamazing prizes! Try and see here.

19 dicembre 2011

You know I love SOG images...

Hi guys :)
here from long long time (yes I know, it's A LOT of time... so sorry ç_ç) for show you some creations made in these last weeks. Even if I was so busy with some fair, personal commitments and voluntary work, I continued to create works and works and... finally has arrived the moment for show you them, uhm?! Yuppieeeee... so excited!! I wait some honest opinion, ok?!?
Ok, as the title says, you know I love SomeOddGirl (and I'm an excited Odd Girl too!) stamps, and this Christmas have become my favourite characters to use in my cards and tags... it's not a surprise, but with these works I declare my totally, deeply love for them! :D
Enjoy the post!
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Salve ragazzi :)
sono tornata dopo tanto tanto tempo (sì, lo so, è un casino di tempo... scusate ç_ç) per mostrarvi alcune creazioni fatte in queste ultime settimane. Anche se sono stata super impegnata con alcune fiere/mercatini, impegni personali e volontariato, ho continuato a creare lavori su lavori... finalmente è arrivato il momento di mostrarveli, eh?! Yuppieee... sono così eccitata! Aspetto commenti sinceri, ok?!?
Ok, come dice il titolo, sapete che amo i timbri SomeOddGirl (e sono anche un'entusiasta Odd Girl!), e questo Natale sono diventati i miei personaggi preferiti per essere usati nelle mie card e tag... non è una sorpresa, ma con questi lavori dichiaro il mio totale, profondo amore per loro! :D
Buona visione!

stamp: Some Odd Girl digi stamp Elf Kaylee
red and white striped ribbon, tree button-chipboard from North Pole Coll. by CratePaper, string, corrugated paper, a little bell, flowers, Hero Art's sentiment, copics for colouring
papers and cardstock: papers from "The Christmas Combo" by DCWV

with this tag I enter the following challenges:
Dream Valley #22 - Christmas
Gingerloft Challenge #30 - Winter or Christmas
Paper Sundaes #100 - Celebrate (max10)
Just Us Girls - Color challenge
Digidesignchallengeblog - Christmas
Saturday Challenge #165 - New Year/Celebrate
Simply Stampin' Challenge - Colour combo
Squiggles and Giggles - Let's celebrate!

Jellypark Challenges - Anything but a card

stamp: Some Odd Girl digi stamp Deer Gift Mae and gifts from Gifty Gwen set
details: organza ribbon, wood button, string, corrugated paper, a fabric like "canvas", tag, gems and pearls, two bells, punched snowflakes, copics for colouring
papers and cardstock: brown cardstock for the base, red paper from "North Pole Coll." by CratePaper and fantasy paper is "Sweet Shoppe" by Scribble-Scrabble

with this tag I enter the following challenges:
Addicted-to-stamp #19 - Snowflakes
Stampalot Challenge - Bingo! (punch, tag, ribbon) (max6)
The Squirrel and The Fox #7 - Christmas
Stamp, Scrap and Doodle Saturday - Bells
Cardmadfairy's Digi Days - Tags
Sweet'n Sassy Digi Challenge - Tag! You're it!

stamp: Some Odd Girl digi stamp Angel Kaylee
details: string, corrugated paper, white feather, wig charm, flowers, Basic Grey gems, sentiment chipboard from "North Pole Coll." by CratePaper, circle scallop nestabilitie, copics for colouring
papers and cardstock: brown cardstock for the base, feather and pois papers from "Portobello Road" set by My Mind's Eye and clouds paper "Fine and Dandy" by My Mind's Eye

with this card I enter the following challenges:
One Stitch At A Time #93 - Anything Goes
Stampin' Sisters in Christ Challenge #120 - A Christmas card or project with a Christian image and/or sentiment
Allsorts Challenge Blog w#134 - Blue and brown
BasicGrey #59 - Anything goes
Craftyhazelnut's Christmas Challenge #51 - Anything goes
Mark's Finest Paper w#86 - Christmas card
Card Making Mamas - Christmas Inspiration
Prairie Fairy Fridays - Holly Jolly Christmas (no red or green)
Stampin' for the Weekend - Christmas
Glitter Geeks w#28 - Anything goes (max10)

And about Some Odd Girl, there is a DT call on the
blog for next term... and probably they're searching just for you!! Unfortunately, my time is near to the end, January will be the last month with Kristy and the other (it's useless say you I'm so sad about) but I hope there from my followers, there will be someone else who can be part of that incredible team!
"We are looking for a few passionate crafters to join us for our February- July 2012 term! Some Odd Girl is growing and going strong and we want a few, 6 or 7, Odd Girls to join us with enthusiasm to making it 2012 the best year yet!"

In addition, but in late, I invite you to see new reveals of last week: In Stitches Tia (sooo sweet), Nusty Kaylee (aawwwhh loovelyy... seen the squirrel?!?), Romantic Gwen and Crushing Gwen (perfect for reveal your love to someone), Lovely Tobie (what a boy!!), Foxy (and I have not to say you why it's my favourite, uhm?!) and Love Bulb (for light your heart)... and please, leave some love with a comment for the DT creations, these girls are amazing!!
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E riguardo alla Some Odd Girl, c'è una DT call sul loro blog per il prossimo mandato... e probabilmente stanno cercando proprio qualcuno come te!! Purtroppo, il mio tempo si sta avvicinando alla fine, Gennaio sarà l'ultimo mese con Kristy e le altre (inutile dirvi che sono davvero triste per questo), ma spero che lì fra i miei followers, ci sia qualcun'altro che può essere parte di quell'incredibile team!
"Stiamo cercando un po' di nuovi appassionati crafters che partecipino al nostro termine di Febbraio-Luglio 2012! Alcune Odd Gilr stanno crescendo e diventando forti e noi vogliamo un po', 6 o 7, Odd Girls per stare con noi con entusiasmo per rendere il 2012 il migliore anno!"

In aggiunta, ma in ritardo, vi invito ad ammirare i nuovi reveals della scorsa settimana: In Stitches Tia (dolcissima), Nusty Kaylee (aawwwhh adorabile... avete visto lo scoiattolo?!?), Romantic Gwen and Crushing Gwen (perfette per dimostrare il vostro amore a qualcuno), Lovely Tobie (che ragazzo!!), Foxy (e non devo spiegarvi perchè è il mio preferito, uhm?!) and Love Bulb (per illuminare il vostro cuore).

22 novembre 2011

New challenge on Some Odd Girl

Here after so long time for talk about new challenge on Some Odd Girl's blog (truly it started on last thursday, but as usually I'm in late! :D): this time, the Oddie Girls give you a lot of possilities to be creative, a RECIPE challenge is waiting for you on the blog!!
Catch a pencil and a sheet, here the ingredients for a super yummi deliscious work!

2 pattern papers + colored cardstock base (NO KRAFT OR WHITE BASE) + buttons + punch/die cut=
your card!!

All of these elements must be present to be eligible. Of course image and sentiment aren’t included or our equation might have looked ridiculously long... You can have more than above but not less than, ok? Come on, a simple and funny challenge, uhm?!
Check out the DT samples to see all the different ways to make your "homeworks"! eheh :D

Here mine:

You don’t have to use a Some Odd Girl image to play but if you do… 2 ENTRIES you shall receive!! Yu-huuu! So talk about, SOG stamps are beautiful and you'll have a bonus for use them... is or isn't a dream?!?! To be eligible to link up, you must link back to Some Odd Girl blog, link up a new project (no backlinking!), and link your specific post (not a general blog).

>> What’s the prize? 2 Digis of your choice! You have thru Nov 29th to link up. <<

Christmas is totally my favourite holiday, I love exchange gift and wishes, the warm of the season, dancing in the snow, the shining roads and brilliant shop windows... oh God, I can't believe we're near!

stamp: Some Odd Girl digi stamp Snowman
details: gems, buttons, Christmas tree chipboard and round shape from Cratepaper's set "North Pole", red and white striped ribbon, Basic Grey's sentimente, copics for colouring
papers and cardstock: brown cardstock for the base, red pattern paper "Chimney", green and striped pattern paper "Peppermint", all from
"North Pole Collection Kit" by Cratepaper

with this card I enter the following challenges:
Sassy Cheryl's Digi Stamps#91 - Anything goes
Bearly-Mine Challenges#24 - All my favourite things
Everybody Art Challenge - Christmas card
Papertake Weekly Challenge - Christmas crackers
The Shabby Tea Room#89 - Colors of nature
Here Come The Boys - Red, white, green colour combo
The Crafty Pad Designs#148 - Festive cheer
2 Sisters Challenge Blog - Let it sparkle!
Craft Your Days Away#33 - Embellishment bingo! (gems, ribbon, buttons)
Just Us Girls#111 - Color challenge
Send A Smile 4 Kids - Happy holiday wishes (for kids)
Lollipop Crafts - Anything goes
Shopping Our Stash - Christmas or winter related
Daisy Doodles Creative#47 - A project for Christmas
Pollycraft Monday Challenge#64 - Christmas fun
Paper Creations Ink - Christmas theme

31 ottobre 2011

And hop, hop, hop!! Nouveau Girls Release and Hop!

*drum roll* ...
And here we are theeee fabulousss...!,
... Nouveau Girls Release Hop!

Ok, probably this new release will change your life forever (mine is surely changed after seen them), so stay calm, breathe slowly e wonder for one of most beautiful stamps line in history. There has been a lot of excitement building up to this event but not only do we have this new line to share with you, we also have some other fun, new things too!

You come here from the fabolous Lou Mac right (your eyes are always shining for her card right?! oh, gosh, I believe you, is the same for me...)? If yes, you're in the right way, baby!, if not... uhmmm, come back at the beginning and start a commenting hop!
So, talking about hop, I say you that
along the way you'll see some fabulous project by our Odd Girls who have just had so much fun (much, muuuuch fun, believe me!) with this new line and have been bursting at the seams to share! We're bringing you 3... oh yes, 3 NEW CLEAR STAMP DESIGNS that we hope will knock your socks off - come on! how could you resist??!? - thand you'll love for all sorts of projects.

This is my tag using "Grow" set... oh, isn't she gorgeous? I had a lot of fun colouring her dress, this drapes is for a patient soul, I know, but look what a superb effect you have at the end!
Searching for a good layout, when I was on work, I thought about Alphonse Mucha and his incredible paints: his girls usually put on gold backgrounds and something could remember an "aura", inspired me and... this is the result! The flowers create a special crown around her... beautiful princess!

Now, I'm sure all of you know what you need to do during a hop!, but I'll refresh your mind, just for be sure, ok?! Ok! you must jump blog by blog like a cute, soft bunny (the order you can see below) and leave a comment on each one... share some love with these girls, they're amazing and deserve the best words and compliments ever for their work and their care! This hop will run from Oct. 31 to Nov. 1 (today and tomorrow in a word); you have thru Nov 1st (midnight EST) to make sure and comment on every stop to be entered to win all three designs from the release! ... a lucky prize, uhm?!
Wishing you an happy hopping, and thanks for all sweet words you'll leave me.

Here's the hop order:

Old Some Odd Girl Blog

<------ YOU ARE HERE
New Some Odd Girl Blog

Nouveau Girls Site

..... oh wait! Have I read "Nouveau Girls Site" maybe?!? oh, wait, really?!? Yessss, really! Nouveau girls have their own special blog! It's fabolous! And now, don't forget to jump to Vera!! ;)

29 ottobre 2011

Guest Designer for The Stamping Bazaar

Yuppieeeeee!! After so long time I missed here, here I am with a big news!
I am Guest Designer for
The Stamping Bazaar... can you believe it? Me?? On The Stamping Bazaar??? Uh uuh uuuuh! I couldn't believe when Susuan and Emma from The Two Pink Ladies, co-ordinators for TSB (I have not words for describe their sweetness and kindness, they're two lovely girls... hope you'll have the possibility sooner or later to talk with these two sweeties, and go to visit their blog for see a lot of fantastic creations) sent me a mail where they asked me to be GDT for a day... can you image my eyes?!? O_O I had not a digital camera in that moment, otherwise here you could see a picture of my face eheheh
Halloween has always been one of my favorite Holidays, even if in Italy it doesn't exist and it's not celebrate (I'm very sad about it), but I'm deeply sure that this magical night has the power to come up the child inside us... and it's simply fantastic!! And then, maybe we must talk about candies that jump up from everywhere?!? Candy apples,
chocolate, candies, pie and muffin.... a pain for teeth, but a pleasure for my mouth!
, several times I declared my shameless love for Marvin, the little bat by The Stamping Bazaar, with my friend
Alberto (he has the merit and the guilt for my love for him!)... and this occasion is perfect for use him!! I chose Marvin with Candy Apple, so perfect for an Halloween card! The theme chosen was "anything goes"... can something be more easy?! So I took my best spooky papers and my favourite Copic colour, and I started... and this is the result! My lovely card on The Stamping Bazaar here!

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Yuppieeeeee!! Dopo così tanto tempo che sono mancata, sono tornata con una grande notizia!
Sono Guest Designer per
The Stamping Bazaar... ci credete? Io?? su The stamping Bazaar??? Uh uuh uuuuh! Non potevo credere ai miei occhi quando Susuan ed Emma da The Two Pink Ladies, coordinatrici per TSB (non ho parole per descrivere la loro dolcezza e gentilezza, sono adorabili... spero che avrete prima o poi la possibilità di parlare ed avere a che fare con loro, e andate assolutamente a visitare il loro blog per vedere un sacco di fantastiche creazioni), mi hanno inviato una mail dove mi chiedevano di essere GDT per un giorno... potete immaginare i miei occhi?!? O_O Non avevo una macchina fotografica in quel momento a portata di mano, altrimenti qui avreste potuto vedere un'immagine della mia faccia ehehehe
Halloween è sempre stata una della mie feste preferite, anche se in Italia non esiste e non viene celebrata (non vi dico la mia tristezza per questa cosa), ma sono profondamente sicura che questa magica notte ha il potere di far tornare "a galla" il bambino che c'è in noi... e questo è semplicemente fantastico!!... E poi vogliamo parlare dell'immensità di dolci che saltano fuori ovunque, mele caramellate, cioccolata, caramelle, tortine e muffin... un dolore per i denti, ma un piacere per la bocca!
Ok, diverse volte ho dichiarato il mio amore spudorato per Marvin, il piccolo pipistrello della TSB al mio amico
Alberto (lui ha il merito e la colpa di avermelo fatto conoscere)... e questa occasione è perfetta per usarlo!! Ho scelto Marvin with Candy Apple, davvero fantastico per una card di Halloween! Il tema scelto era "anything goes"... poteva essere più facile?! Quindi ho preso le mie migliori spaventose carte e i miei colori Copic preferiti, ho iniziato... e questo è il risultato! La mia card su The Stamping Bazaar qui!

He's sooooo cuuute! ... and I'm so hungry looking his candy apple, slurp! I used different decorations: flowers, stars punched, buttons, pearls, a skull... all for create the magic caos there is during Halloween night! ... Enough spooky and sweet for you?
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E' così cariiiiiinooo! ... e io sono così affamata guardando la sua mela caramellata, slurp! Ho usato diverse decorazioni: fiori, stelle punchate, bottoni, perle, un teschio... tutto per ricreare quel magico caos che esiste durante la notte di Halloween! ... E' abbastanza spaventevole e dolce per voi?

stamp: The Stamping Bazaar digi stamp
Marvin with Candy Apple
details: black pearls, string, buttons, brads, white stitching, orange and black ribbons, web ribbon black bought on BunnyZoe, digi sentiment, punched stars, flowers, copics for colouring
papers and cardstock: white cardstock for the base, purple paper
Halloween "Bump in The Night" by American Crafts, dots paper Happy Halloween "Spooky Dots" by Echo Park, crows paper Blackbird "Crows" by My Mind's Eye and yellow/orange paper on the left "Toil & Trouble" by Making Memories

with this card I enter the following challenges:

Delightful Challenges - Purple, orange, green and black
DYSU Challenge Blog - Halloween creations and inspired by image
Crafty Ribbons Challenge - Bingo! (punch/dies, flower, ribbon)
Stamp Insanity - You trick out a treat!
Pixie Dust Studio - Spooky!
PaperCrafting Journey - Use a digi
Paper Play Challenges - Halloween/Witches
Moving Along With The Times - No girls allowed!
Forever Friends - Anything goes
Crafting For All Season - Halloween
Divas By Design - Something spooky
Fab 'n' Funky - Halloween
I Brake For Challenges - Halloween
Inky Impressions Challenges - Anything goes
My Mums Craft Shop - Spooky Time
The Paper Shelter - Anything goes
Penny's Paper Crafty - Halloween
Scrapbook Sisters - Anything goes
Scrapaliscious USA - Halloween spook!

Simon Says Stamps Challenges - Anything goes

The Sisterhood of Crafters - Halloween
Stampavie And More - Halloween
Stampin' Royalty - Spooky/Creepy/Halloween
The Paper Variety - No tricks, just treats!
Timbroscrapmania - Trick or Treat!
Stamping For The Weekend - Spooky!
Crafty Catz Weekly Challenge - Halloween

Have you noted something new in the blog?!?! Yes, I changed the graphic look... more "fall" and "autumn" in this way, right?! I hope you like it ;)

26 settembre 2011

A spooooooooky release!

Good afternoon guys, this time I want put a spotlight on the new 14 digi images release by Some Odd Girl... 14, understand?!?! 14 amazing, spooky, sweet, warm images... Oh God, I can't believe it!

Today is... *drum roll*... DAY ONE of Digi Release Reveal Week!
"We are also doing things slightly differently and having some extra fun with this release. Each day, Monday through Friday, we will be revealing 2-3 new digis HERE, on the Some Odd Girl challenge blog. But not only do you get to BUY the digis on the day of their reveal, you'll also get a special discount! On the day they are revealed they'll be available in the shop at 25% off FOR THAT DAY ONLY! That means today's reveals will ONLY be available on sale until the next reveals are posted, and then those will be available and on sale tomorrow! The sale will not be held over so stop back daily to see what's new and snatch them up at the sale price."... in plain words, >> DISCOUNTS A GO-GO!! <<

You can buy today's digis here, on Some Odd Girl shop... are you asking yourself why I wrote "A spoooooooooooky release", right?!?! Go on the shop, and you'll see!! But don't be scared, this little cuties are sooo lovely, they're a concentrate of sweet fears... has I told several times, I hope to find some these extremely lovely guys at my door on Halloween night!! They'll be better than candies, absolutely!!
In my first card, with Tia, I tried to create a scene at the twilight, with the beautiful ghosty girl sitting on a pumpkin... probably waiting for his lost love; in the second I tried to create a really original decomposed mummy's skin, but he is too much cute and I couldn't run away... bbrrrr spooooooky!!
I waited so long for use these stamps... and now I can!! I love, LOVE, Halloween theme and these stamps are some of most beautiful, cute and sweet I've ever seen (they're among my favourite stamps)!!!
Enjoy to see my creations, hope you like them!

Today are in scene Halloween Tia (MY lovely ghost version):
(for see other DT's cards visit this page and spread some love in their blogs, please)

Mummy Tobie (MY spooky green version):
(for see other DT's cards visit this page and spread some love in their blogs, please)

and Pumpkin Kody (these are DT's fantastic examples):

"So, we've kicked off the week with some spooky fun, and we have lots more excitement ahead for you Odd Friends! Now that you've seen today's Reveals, pop over to the shop to take advantage of the sale! Remember, these won't be on sale tomorrow so get them while you can!
We'll see you back here tomorrow for 3 more Reveals :)"

stamp: Some Odd Girl digi stamp
Halloween Tia
details: black pearls, string, black stitching, cluods and bats cutted from a paper, web ribbon black bought on BunnyZoe, digi sentiment, copics for colouring
papers and cardstock: white cardstock for the base, purple stars paper
Happy Halloween "Trick-or-Treat" by EchoPark, pumpinks and yellow/orange paper "Toil & Trouble" by Making Memories

Some Odd Girl digi stamp Mummy Tobie
details: orange button, cream fabric (isn't he seem like papyrus?!), distress tools by Tim Holtz, organza black ribbon, green ribbon by American Crafts, digi
sentiment, copics for colouring
papers and cardstock: cream cardstock for the base,
black cardstock for underline the layers, black dots paper "Spooky Dots" by EchoPark, yellow/orange paper "Toil & Trouble" by Making Memories, purple stars and green bats paper Happy Halloween "Trick-or-Treat" by Echo Park Paper

with the first card I enter the following challenges:
Make It Monday - Anything goes
My Grafico - Halloween
Haunted Design House - You're making a scene!
Paper Makeup Stamps - Re-size your digi
Crafty Boots Challenge - Things with wings
One Stitch At A Time - Favourite (she is one of my favourite stamp now)
The Crafty Pad Design - Stitching
Hiding In My Craft Room - Halloween card

Mark's Finest Papers - Things with wings
Send A Smile 4 Kids - Halloween or Fall Cute Cards
Crazy 4 Challenges - Halloween card or decor project

with the second card I enter the following challenges:
Enjoy the journey - Anything goes
Paper Playtime - Halloween projects
Pollycraft Monday Challenge - Tags and bookmarks
Stamps & Fun= Creativity - Anything goes
Paper Sundaes - Anything goes
The Squirrel and The Fox - Anything goes
Sweet Stampin' - Anything goes

22 settembre 2011

Mix these colors!

Good evening (or morning, or afternoon... however good something wherever you are!)
when everybody thinks about Christmas, first colours who come in mind are red, white, green and blu, right?! But there is a special, colourful Christmas on Some Odd Girl today, a Christmas in pink, blu and green (I'm not a great pink fan, but it wasn't difficult create something with these colours mix), a sweet sweet holiday inspired by this picture:

You have not to create a Christmas if you don't want, but I was inspired by all these Christmas balls... how could'nt I made something different?!
"Feast your eyes upon this gorgeous photo, and let your imagination run wild! Take the colors, the shapes, the subtle patterns, the layout, or anything at all that jumps out at you, and CREATE!"
Just add your entry here, and visit our DT's blogs and share some love! These girls are incredible, and I'm very proud working side by side with them... they're TRUE ARTISTS!
Here you can see my interpretation:

Hope to see you there with your beautiful creations, just remember to share your INSPIRED projects with us by Tuesday, October 4th at midnight EST by linking to the little blue dude, and be sure to link BACK to the Some Odd Girl challenge blog in your blog post for your chance to win! Remember, you don't have to use a Some Odd Girl image, but there are SO many to choose from at SomeOddGirl.com, and by using 'em, you get a second entry in the random draw for our winner!

stamps: Some Odd Girl clear stamp, gift boxes on right bottom and sentiment from set Gifty Gwen
gems, fuchsia ribbon, string, punched stars, white doily, chipboards from North Pole Collections set by Crate Paper, copics for colouring
papers and cardstock: white cardstock for the base, pink cardstock for underline the layers, sky-blu stripes paper Umbrella Collection "Sweet Talk" by Prima Marketing, the gift boxes paper Happy Day "Gift Wrap" by by S-e-i, love black paper "A gift of Love" by BoBunny and pink monochrome paper "Spirited" by Dream Street Papers

with this card I enter the following challenges:
Crafty Ribbons Challenge - Anything goes
Hanna and Friends - Anything goes
Sothern Girls Challenge - Anything goes
Digistamps4Joy - Anything goes
Stampavie and More - Love
The Paper Shelter - Anything goes
My Time To Craft - L is for... LOVE!
Anything Goes Challenge Blog - Anything goes
Bows and Berries - Glitter (on green paper)
iCopic Weekly Challenge - Unloved Colors
Kaboodle Doodle - Lots of layers
Stamp with Fun - Anything goes

Have a nice evening (or afternoon, or morning :D)
