19 dicembre 2011

You know I love SOG images...

Hi guys :)
here from long long time (yes I know, it's A LOT of time... so sorry ç_ç) for show you some creations made in these last weeks. Even if I was so busy with some fair, personal commitments and voluntary work, I continued to create works and works and... finally has arrived the moment for show you them, uhm?! Yuppieeeee... so excited!! I wait some honest opinion, ok?!?
Ok, as the title says, you know I love SomeOddGirl (and I'm an excited Odd Girl too!) stamps, and this Christmas have become my favourite characters to use in my cards and tags... it's not a surprise, but with these works I declare my totally, deeply love for them! :D
Enjoy the post!
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Salve ragazzi :)
sono tornata dopo tanto tanto tempo (sì, lo so, è un casino di tempo... scusate ç_ç) per mostrarvi alcune creazioni fatte in queste ultime settimane. Anche se sono stata super impegnata con alcune fiere/mercatini, impegni personali e volontariato, ho continuato a creare lavori su lavori... finalmente è arrivato il momento di mostrarveli, eh?! Yuppieee... sono così eccitata! Aspetto commenti sinceri, ok?!?
Ok, come dice il titolo, sapete che amo i timbri SomeOddGirl (e sono anche un'entusiasta Odd Girl!), e questo Natale sono diventati i miei personaggi preferiti per essere usati nelle mie card e tag... non è una sorpresa, ma con questi lavori dichiaro il mio totale, profondo amore per loro! :D
Buona visione!

stamp: Some Odd Girl digi stamp Elf Kaylee
red and white striped ribbon, tree button-chipboard from North Pole Coll. by CratePaper, string, corrugated paper, a little bell, flowers, Hero Art's sentiment, copics for colouring
papers and cardstock: papers from "The Christmas Combo" by DCWV

with this tag I enter the following challenges:
Dream Valley #22 - Christmas
Gingerloft Challenge #30 - Winter or Christmas
Paper Sundaes #100 - Celebrate (max10)
Just Us Girls - Color challenge
Digidesignchallengeblog - Christmas
Saturday Challenge #165 - New Year/Celebrate
Simply Stampin' Challenge - Colour combo
Squiggles and Giggles - Let's celebrate!

Jellypark Challenges - Anything but a card

stamp: Some Odd Girl digi stamp Deer Gift Mae and gifts from Gifty Gwen set
details: organza ribbon, wood button, string, corrugated paper, a fabric like "canvas", tag, gems and pearls, two bells, punched snowflakes, copics for colouring
papers and cardstock: brown cardstock for the base, red paper from "North Pole Coll." by CratePaper and fantasy paper is "Sweet Shoppe" by Scribble-Scrabble

with this tag I enter the following challenges:
Addicted-to-stamp #19 - Snowflakes
Stampalot Challenge - Bingo! (punch, tag, ribbon) (max6)
The Squirrel and The Fox #7 - Christmas
Stamp, Scrap and Doodle Saturday - Bells
Cardmadfairy's Digi Days - Tags
Sweet'n Sassy Digi Challenge - Tag! You're it!

stamp: Some Odd Girl digi stamp Angel Kaylee
details: string, corrugated paper, white feather, wig charm, flowers, Basic Grey gems, sentiment chipboard from "North Pole Coll." by CratePaper, circle scallop nestabilitie, copics for colouring
papers and cardstock: brown cardstock for the base, feather and pois papers from "Portobello Road" set by My Mind's Eye and clouds paper "Fine and Dandy" by My Mind's Eye

with this card I enter the following challenges:
One Stitch At A Time #93 - Anything Goes
Stampin' Sisters in Christ Challenge #120 - A Christmas card or project with a Christian image and/or sentiment
Allsorts Challenge Blog w#134 - Blue and brown
BasicGrey #59 - Anything goes
Craftyhazelnut's Christmas Challenge #51 - Anything goes
Mark's Finest Paper w#86 - Christmas card
Card Making Mamas - Christmas Inspiration
Prairie Fairy Fridays - Holly Jolly Christmas (no red or green)
Stampin' for the Weekend - Christmas
Glitter Geeks w#28 - Anything goes (max10)

And about Some Odd Girl, there is a DT call on the
blog for next term... and probably they're searching just for you!! Unfortunately, my time is near to the end, January will be the last month with Kristy and the other (it's useless say you I'm so sad about) but I hope there from my followers, there will be someone else who can be part of that incredible team!
"We are looking for a few passionate crafters to join us for our February- July 2012 term! Some Odd Girl is growing and going strong and we want a few, 6 or 7, Odd Girls to join us with enthusiasm to making it 2012 the best year yet!"

In addition, but in late, I invite you to see new reveals of last week: In Stitches Tia (sooo sweet), Nusty Kaylee (aawwwhh loovelyy... seen the squirrel?!?), Romantic Gwen and Crushing Gwen (perfect for reveal your love to someone), Lovely Tobie (what a boy!!), Foxy (and I have not to say you why it's my favourite, uhm?!) and Love Bulb (for light your heart)... and please, leave some love with a comment for the DT creations, these girls are amazing!!
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E riguardo alla Some Odd Girl, c'è una DT call sul loro blog per il prossimo mandato... e probabilmente stanno cercando proprio qualcuno come te!! Purtroppo, il mio tempo si sta avvicinando alla fine, Gennaio sarà l'ultimo mese con Kristy e le altre (inutile dirvi che sono davvero triste per questo), ma spero che lì fra i miei followers, ci sia qualcun'altro che può essere parte di quell'incredibile team!
"Stiamo cercando un po' di nuovi appassionati crafters che partecipino al nostro termine di Febbraio-Luglio 2012! Alcune Odd Gilr stanno crescendo e diventando forti e noi vogliamo un po', 6 o 7, Odd Girls per stare con noi con entusiasmo per rendere il 2012 il migliore anno!"

In aggiunta, ma in ritardo, vi invito ad ammirare i nuovi reveals della scorsa settimana: In Stitches Tia (dolcissima), Nusty Kaylee (aawwwhh adorabile... avete visto lo scoiattolo?!?), Romantic Gwen and Crushing Gwen (perfette per dimostrare il vostro amore a qualcuno), Lovely Tobie (che ragazzo!!), Foxy (e non devo spiegarvi perchè è il mio preferito, uhm?!) and Love Bulb (per illuminare il vostro cuore).

31 commenti:

  1. Bentornataaaaaa!!!!!
    Bellissime le tue tag,e quelle immagini con la tua colorazione si riempiono di vita,bravissima Ele
    kiss kiss

  2. Ci sei poco ma quando riappari si accende la luce! Eh sì, perché i tuoi colori sono talmente brillanti da far pensare ad una giornata piena di sole (ed in queste giornate fredde sono un vero toccasana!!).
    Un baciotto, un abbraccione e mille volte Auguri per un Natale di serenità e di pace e che l'anno nuovo porti un milione di cose buone e belle per te e per tutte le persone che ami... direi che può bastare!!!
    xoxoxo Eulalia

  3. my gosh, you have some amazing coloring skills! these are fantastic! I am sure they are going to miss you like crazy at Some Odd Girl. I bet you can join the team again after this coming term finishes.

    thanks for joining our 'anything but a card' challenge at Jellypark Friends. :)

  4. Wow thanks for sharing! beautiful!..Thanks for joining in this weeks Glitter Geeks Challenge...Nelly X

  5. Elf Kaylee is sweet! Love all the flower details! Thanks for playing with us at MTME pretty palette this week!

  6. Stunning creations. Your tag is so beautifully finished. Thanks for joining us at Sir Stampalot this month.

  7. Oh wow your creations are wonderful, beautiful colours! Thanks for joining us at Glitter Geeks this week, Paula :))

  8. Great images...excellent coloring..beautiful tags! Thanks for sharing with Mark's Speedy the Cat's Challenge! Happy Holidays!

  9. Super tags!Totally in love with them!
    Thanks for joining us at ATSC!

  10. Gorgeous gorgeous!! I just found your blog and I will be back for more inspiration ♥

  11. These are so cute - thanks for joining in my CHNC challenge 51 - hope to see you again soon. x

  12. Your coloring of these fun girls is incredible! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Just Us Girls!

  13. Gorgeous projects, thanks so much for playing with us at OSAAT

    xoxo Marjo

  14. Great work Elena, such a lovely collection.

    Thanks for sharing with us at Stampalot Challenge this month, good luck and have a lovely Christmas.

    B x

  15. What a lovely creation thank you so much for sharing your lovely work with us at the Secret Crafter Saturday Challenge
    Hugs and Merry Xmas
    Kate xx

  16. Lovely tag, great image and colouring, thanks for playing with us at the Squirrel and the fox, blessings Hilde

  17. Your tags are adorable! I love how the red & white stripes match the red & white on the first tag! Thanks for playing along with the SNSDC~!

  18. LOVE, love, love these sweet lil tags! THANKS for sharing your crafty time with Just Us Girls!

  19. I tuoi lavori sono uno più bello dell'altro Ele, sai quanto li ammiro! Grazie per aver partecipato al Secret Crafter Saturday Challenge, non sei nella mia commenting rota, ma come potevo non lasciarti un messaggino?!!

    Ti mando un abbraccio e ti auguro Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo, hugs, Franz.

  20. oh wow thats a fab tag, i do so love some odd girl too they are fab, thanks for playing along at cardmadfairy.s digi days xxx

  21. Gorgeous creations, thanks for joining Sir Stampalot’s challenge, good luck.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  22. Cute tags!! Thanks for joining us at Gingerloft Challenge.


    Sherry - DT

  23. Beautiful images and gorgeous tags. Thanks for joining us at Di's Digis.

  24. Adorable creations! Love those stamps!! Thanks for joining us at FFF for our Holly Jolly Christmas challenge and good luck! :D

    Hugz and TFS,
    xx Tracey xx

  25. What a stunning card, loving the layout and the stamp is so cute. Thank you for taking the time to enter the ALLSORTS challenge and good luck! Jo x

  26. Love the tags and card, the images work really well when cropped this way! Thanks so much for taking the time to play along with us at Cardmadfairy's Digi Days at such a busy time of year :o)
    Jenni x

  27. Beautiful tag for our challenge!Thanks for sharing it with us at Sir Stampalot, Ruth :)

  28. All these designs are awesomely beautiful.

    plastic cards
    plastic card

  29. Gosh what a busy bee you have been. These are all gorgeous.

    Thanks for joining us at Dream Valley.


  30. Amazing projects. I love all your creations. these are such fun, thanks so much for sharing with us at squiggles and giggles. hugs heidi x
