20 giugno 2011

Wind chimes... again!!

Good morning sweeties! Here I am to show you again my new wind chimes! They are two, and are made for commissions on my facebook page, I waited some days and then I decided to post them here.
I'm so excited, I wait some comments and advices, okay?!

Buongiorno dolcezze!! Sono qui per mostrarvi ancora i miei nuovi scacciapensieri!! Sono due e sono stati fatti per alcune commissioni per la mia pagina di faceboo, ho aspettato alcuni giorni e poi ho deciso di postarli qui.
Sono così eccitata, aspetto dei commenti e consigli, okay?!

This is first/Questo è il primo:

stamp: Some Odd Girl Digital Stamp "Unicorn"
details: gems, cream organza ribbon, punched stars and glittered, pearls, wind chimes, flowers, copic for colouring, feathers, Stickles "Crystal"
cardstock: blue paper and October Afternoon's "Campfire: Star Gazing"

This project partecipates to:
- One Stitch At A Time #67 "Things with Wings" (this unicorn has wings)
- Here Come The Boys #4 "Myth and Magic!"
- Send A Smile For Kids "Teddy Bears Or Other Animals For Kids"
- Sweet Stampin' "Things With Wings" (this unicorn has wings)
- My Creative Moments #6 "Blue"
- Card Making Mamas #22 "For a Child"
- Deliscious Doodles Challenges "Things That Flutter" (this unicorn has wings)
- Fairy Knoll "Sparckle" (on the wings and there are gems all over)
- Polka Doodles w#24 "All Of A Flutter" (this unicorn has wings)
- Simple Create #46 "Fly With Us" (this unicorn has wings)
- Stamp Something "Pretty Papers" (I love this paper, with all these star... it makes me dream!)
- Crafty Purple Frog "Favourite Things" (My favourite theme is absolutely myth and magical, it's a pleasure work with a fantasy image!)
- DYSU #24 "Use a Star" (sparckling decorations and paper behind)

And this is second/E questo è il secondo:

stamp: Cheeky Cherry Pie by The Greeting Farm
details: gems, orange organza ribbon, pearls, wind chimes, flowers, copic for colouring; the sweeties decorations are made by a dear facebook friend in "fimo", aren't they incredible? Believe me, during the making of of this wind chimes, I was really hungry having all these beautiful delicacies under my eyes... it was a temptation! go to her (and her fiancè) fb page and open your eyes!
/le decorazioni dolciose sono state fatte da una cara amica di facebook in fimo
non sono incredibili? Credetemi, durante la creazione di questo scacciapensieri, ero davvero affamata avendo tutte queste bellissime prelibatezze sotto gli occhi... è stata una tentazione! andate nella sua (e del suo ragazzo) pagina fb e aprite gli occhi!! http://www.facebook.com/pages/La-Tana-del-Bianconiglio-Shop/236911835440
cardstock: red paper and Cosmo Cricket's "Lil' Mam"

This project partecipates to:
- Scrappy Frogs "Simply Red"
- Creative Inspirations Paint "Inspired by: Bright Colours"
- Challenge Up Your Life "Circles"
- Crafts 4 Eternity r#24 "Embellishments beginning for R" (roses, round, ribbon, red)
- The poodles Parlour "Anything Goes"
- Delightful Challenges "Anything Goes"
- Southern Girls "Anything Goes"
- Drunken Stampers #72 "Inspiration Picture"

30 commenti:

  1. cosa ne penso?
    sono un sogno,uno splendore!!
    un bacio

  2. brava Elena ma il secondo è sublime con quei dolcetti poi mette proprio l'acquolina bellissimi i tuoi scaccia pensieri!..grazie di essere passata dal mio blog e avermi lasciato quel dolce commento mi ha dato tanta gioia ;) a presto!

  3. Elena sono meravigliosi!!
    Sei sempre bravissima, il primo con l'unicorno è meraviglioso, senza nulla togliere al secondo ^__^ che mette voglia di dolci!
    Sono sicura che saranno piaciuti tantissimo.
    Un abbraccio.

  4. Wow! Such a great idea. Thanks for joining us at Delightful Challenges. Nancy

  5. Wow, these are fabulous and what a great idea!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Hello Elena! Hope your week is starting off well honey!

    These are just amazing! So professinal!

  7. Wow- these are just awesome! Not a card for kids, but still very creative.

    Send a Smile for Kids Dt

  8. This is awesome! What a great idea. Thank you for joining us at Do You Stack Up.


  9. Wow these are just gorgeous, especially love the one with the cupcakes:) Thanks for joining us at C4E this week.

  10. Ma che meraviglia!!!! e che consigli dovrei darti? sono stra stupendi e chissà che bel rumore che fanno.

  11. Love the unicorn! Thanks for joining in at HCTB's Woo & Lynne x

  12. How lovely to see something so different - lovin' the little unicorn! Thank you for playing at Sweet Stampin' this week. Tracey x

  13. Oh WOW! these are just gorgeous, and the unicorn is perfect for our challenge at OSAAT. Good luck. Nikki DT

  14. Hi Elena,
    Oh WOW these are just absolutely Gorgeous. My favourite is the Cheeky Cherry image, love the dp's, the colour scheme is gorgeous. I adore those little cake embellishments, too scrumptious. Thank you for joining us at The Poodles Parlour and Good Luck. Hope to see you joining us again.
    Hugs Jacqui xxxx

  15. AWESOME wind chimes...and your coloring of those sweet images is perfect!!! Thank you for playing along with us in this week's Creative Inspirations Paint Challenge:) I hope to see more of your lovely creations in future challenges!


  16. Adoro davvero i tuoi scacciapensieri, sono magici sul serio, te l'ho già detto, no?!
    Grazie mille per avermi scelto tra i top 5 del deep ocean, sono così orgogliosa!
    Ti scrivo presto per il nostro swap...
    Buona giornata, Fra♥

  17. Fantastic windchimes - brilliant idea. Thanks for joining us at DYSU this week xx

  18. So cute. Thanks for playing with us at OSAAT.
    Hugs Nataliya

  19. Elena, I love your windchimes, they are beautiful! Thank you so much for joining us at SAS4KIDS. Hugs and Good Luck!

  20. Beautiful, thanks for sharing with us at Sweet Stampin'
    Teresa xx

  21. So gorgeous sweetie..!

    thanks for joining us at Sweet Stampin...and good luck..!

    hugs Vicky xx

  22. What great fun - much nicer than the ones you cab get in the shops!

    kitten DYSU team

  23. Fabulous projects! They are both so nifty ~ Thank you so much for joining us at Fairy Knoll! Smiles ~ Brandi

  24. Gorgeous windchimes! Thanks for joining us at C4E this week hugs x

  25. This is lovely :) Thanks for joining us at simply Create this week

  26. Fabulous idea! Would make great gifts! Thanks for playing Simply Create this week!

  27. Beautiful project, thanks for joining us at OSAAT this wek.

    Hugs Wenda

  28. My 8 year old says it all, I showed her your beautiful unicorn & she said " I want one!" Thanks so much for playing along with our Sweet Stampin challenge x

  29. Absolutely fantastic projects! I love both of them, all those wonderfuls details! Great :D
    Thanks for playing with us at Challenge up your life
